Welcome to Anna University Pensioner Teacher's Association
Regd. Serial No: SRG/Chennai South/137/2022 Dt 24/03/2022

General Body Meeting

General Body meeting of AUPTA

After the official registration of the AUPTA the first general body meeting was held on 04.02.2023 at the TAG auditorium of the College of Engineering, Anna University.

Prof. K. Kasturi, Vice President AUPTA presided the meeting and Prof. A. Jothilingam, Secretary AUPTA conducted the meeting . In which the new set of office bearers for the year 2023 -26 were elected

  • Prof.A.Swamidurai was nominated as the Incoming Pressident of AUPTA
  • Prof.T.N.Shanmugam was nominated as the Incoming Secretary of AUPTA
  • Prof.D.Mohan was nominated as the Incoming Treasurer of AUPTA
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