We, the pensioner teachers of Anna University, have resolved to form an Association to secure to all its members, general and academic welfare and to promote unity among its members and do hereby give to ourselves this constitution.
We further agree that as an Association, we shall at all times maintain strictly non-partisan, non-sectional attitude towards the members and shall not take part in any political activity.
1. Name
The name of the Association shall be “Anna University Pensioner Teachers Association (AUPTA)”
- The association was formed on 28.11.2019.
- It shall be referred to as the ‘Association’ in the following by-laws and rules. The registered Office of the Association shall be situated at 34/1, 2nd Main Road, Kottur Garden, Chennai – 600085, India.
- The Association’s Registered office is within the Jurisdiction of The Registrar of Societies, Chennai South.
- The Business hour of the Association shall be between 10AM and 5PM on all working days except Sundays and Government Holidays.
The objectives of the Association are as mentioned in the Memorandum of Association in particular the following.
- To promote a corporate feeling among its members.
- To secure for members fair conditions of life and work, uninterrupted receipt of pension and other rights and privileges, as entitled by pensioner teachers in various Universities in the country in general and in Tamil Nadu in particular.
- To collaborate with Organizations having similar aims.
- To arrange for educational and cultural tours.
- To promote higher education and research in the country.
- To edit and publish periodicals for education among members and others interested in academic activities.
- To run recreation centers and magazine clubs for the benefit of members.
- To conduct seminars/symposia and conferences.
- To invite eminent persons to address the members.
- To raise and acquire such funds, subscriptions, donations as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
- Any pensioner teacher of Anna University who subscribes to the aims and objectives of the Association shall be eligible to become a member of the Association. ‘Teacher’ for the purpose of this clause shall be defined as a person who served in Anna University in teaching, research or other academic work including Library and Physical Education who were under UGC/AICTE grade pay comparable to other pensioner teacher of the University.
- A person eligible to become a member under clause 3.1 and desirous of becoming a member shall submit an application in the prescribed form and pay the prescribed admission fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) and a Life Membership subscription of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
- All applications for admission shall be placed before the Executive Committee for its approval and the General Body shall be informed of the approved list.
- Register of Members: The Association shall keep a register of all its members containing their names and particulars of their place of work, residential address, email id., phone numbers etc.
- The Register shall be open to inspection by any member of the Association provided a proper notice in respect thereof is given to the Secretary in advance.
- All members shall form the General Body of the Association.
- The General Body shall be the competent authority to take important decisions on policy matters. All decisions of the Executive Committee that do not come under the purview of approved policy matters, shall be placed before the General Body for ratification.
- There shall be an ordinary meeting of the General Body, to be called the Annual Meeting, once every year at such a time and place as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
- The financial year of the association shall be 1st April to 31st March every year.
- The Executive Committee may convene additional ordinary meetings or extra-ordinary meetings of the General Body as and when deemed necessary. The annual General Body meeting shall be held on any day between 1st April to 30th September every year.
- The Agenda for the Annual General Body Meeting shall be:
- To receive and adopt the annual report and the audited statement of accounts of the Association for the previous year.
- To consider amendments of the by-laws and other propositions given notice by the members or by the Executive Committee.
- Any other subject that may be raised with the permission of the chair.
- An extra-ordinary meeting of the General Body shall be convened, if a requisition there for, signed by at least one third of all the valid members on roll is made, stating the purpose and the reasons for such a meeting.
- The notice (through Email/SMS/WhatsApp /post) for any ordinary or extra-ordinary meeting of the General Body together with the Agenda thereof shall be issued by the Secretary under the direction of the Executive Committee.
- A clear notice of 21 days in the case of an ordinary meeting and of 10 days in the case of an extra-ordinary meeting shall be given to the members.
- The quorum for the ordinary General Body meeting shall be one third of all the valid members on the roll. In case of not having the quorum prescribed, the meeting may be adjourned and the meeting may be conducted with the members present.
- The quorum for the extra-ordinary General Body meeting shall also be one third of all valid members on roll. If there is no quorum within 15 minutes of the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned and may be with the members present.
- No quorum shall be necessary for meeting which are held after an adjournment for want of quorum.
- All propositions, Motions or resolutions moved at any ordinary or extra-ordinary meeting shall be decided by simple majority except motions censuring or expressing ‘no confidence’ on the office-bearers of the Association.
- A censure motion or no confidence motion shall require a majority of at least two-third of the members present and voting at an extra-ordinary meeting convened exclusively for this purpose.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the office bearers and the members as given below:
- President - One
- Vice Presidents - Two
- Secretary - One
- Joint Secretaries - Two
- Treasurer - One
- Members - Ten
- The Executive Committee is empowered, if required, to nominate a senior member who has remarkable contributions for the welfare of teachers of Anna University as Patron, who will guide the Association in all its activities. The nominated Patron shall be ex-officio member of the executive committee of the Association.
- The executive committee can co-opt two members to give representations to any section of the members or women, if not adequately represented in the committee.
- All the Office - bearers and the Members for the executive committee shall be elected by the registered members who has no dues to be paid to the association or has any disciplinary action pending against him/her. Candidates contesting for these offices may be from amongst the members who have been attending the General Body of the Association at least thrice during the preceding 5 years and have no dues to be paid to the Association with no disciplinary action/ criminal case is pending against him/her.
- The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the members as per the procedure described here under:
- The Executive Committee shall appoint One Chief Election officer and one or more Assistant Election Officers from among the members at least 21 days before the expiry of the term of office of the Executive Committee.
- The Chief Election Officer shall call for nominations from among the members, fix the last date for filing nominations, and their withdrawal, fix the date and hours of election, sign the ballot papers, prepare the ballot boxes, etc.
- The Assistant Election Officer/s shall assist the Chief Election Officer in executing the election process.
- Sealed ballot boxes shall be kept in the registered office of the association or any other place convenient to all members, to be decided by the Chief Election Officer during the hours of polling to enable the members to vote.
- The chief Election Officer shall have all the ballot boxes collected in one place and after openly counting the votes secured by all the candidates, in the presence of the candidates or an authorized member of the candidate, shall declare the results of the election on the same day under his/her signature.
- Postal or e-mail voting may be permitted to members who obtain prior permission from the Chief Election Officer, with valid reasons.
- The Chief Election Officer may enlist the help of members in the conduct of the election. All expenses incurred in the election process shall be borne by the Association.
- The term of office of the members of the Executive Committee shall be three years.
- It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Executive Committee to implement policies and the directives of the General Body and to take such measures as may be necessary within the framework of these by-laws for strengthening the organizational and financial matters of the Association.
- A notice (through Email/SMS/WhatsApp /post) of 7 days shall be given to the members of the Executive Committee for the meeting. In emergencies, if a meeting has to be held with shorter notices, the proceedings of the meeting shall not be challenged merely on that account.
- The quorum for the Executive Committee Meeting shall be one third of the total members, including ex-officio member.
- The Executive Committee shall meet once in 3 month or as often as may be necessary to transact the following business:
- To approve applications for membership.
- To ratify the expenditure incurred by the Presiddent/ Secretary / Treasurer during the previous period and to consider and, if appropriate, sanction expenditure and/or allocate funds for which demands are made by the Secretary
- To take appropriate measures for improvement in the administration of the Association.
- To issue directions to the Secretary to deal in a specified manner with any case or problem referred to the Association by the members.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to go into any specific matter requiring detailed examination. Such sub-committees shall function under the control of the Executive Committee and shall submit their report to the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee once elected shall hold office till the term of office is over or till a newly elected Executive Committee assumes charge.
- The President shall be the Executive Head of the Association. He/She shall preside over all meetings of the Association. The President shall act and perform all such duties as are necessary for achieving the objectives of the Association. He/She shall exercise control and supervision over the affairs of the Association.
- The Vice- Presidents shall assist the President and shall execute the duties of the President in his/her absence, with the permission of the President / Executive committee.
- In any extraordinary situation wherein, both the President and Vice-Presidents are not available to preside over the meetings (Executive committee or General Body), the members present may elect one of the senior members present in such meetings to preside over the meeting.
- The Secretary shall convene all meetings, conduct all correspondence andshall prepare at the close of each year an Annual Report on the working of the Association for the previous year showing activities, progress, financial position etc.The draft of the report shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee before presentation to the General Body.
- The Secretary shall be the custodian of all files and records of the association and shall sign all documents related to filing returns to the Registrar of Societies or related to any legal proceedings or press notes, in consultation with the President / Vice – Presidents./li>
- The Executive committee members shall generally help the Secretary in conducting the affairs of the Association smoothly.
- The Joint Secretaries shall assist the Secretary in all his/her activities related to the Association.
- In the absence of the Secretary, one of the joint secretaries shall execute the duties of the Secretary, on the basis of a written intimation to the President, by the Secretary.
- In any extra ordinary situation wherein, the Secretary and Joint Secretaries are away from the city or could not attend their duty for more than a month, the Executive Committee, on the advice of the President, shall appoint an Acting Secretary at the meeting, from among the executive committee members to perform the duties of the Secretary, if needed.
- The Treasurer shall receive all money payable to the Association by the members and others, shall issue receipts for all money received, shall disburse all payments for and on account of the Association. All payments should be in the form of Cheque/Demand Draft/ Money Order or Online transfer to bank account only.
- Any member who is found to be guilty of any anti-Association activity can be removed by the executive committee, after issuing proper notice and receiving explanations on the fact in issue. If the explanations are not satisfactory, the Executive Committee can remove the member from the Association, by a resolution passed by 2/3 of its members to that effect and get it ratified in the ensuing General Body. The General Secretary shall place the decision of the Executive committee as a separate agenda to the General Body meeting with an abstract of the complaint, explanation received and the decision of the executive committee. The General Body may ratify or reject or defer or revert to Executive committee for reconsideration, the decision of the executive committee to remove any member from the Association by a resolution, approved by 2/3 of the members present.
- A member who is removed from membership pursuant to the clause 7.1 shall have the right to appeal to the General Body for redressal.
- Any member of the Executive Committee, who fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings of the Committee without leave of absence from the President or Secretary shall be deemed to have vacated his office.
- Any member of the Executive Committee may be removed from such membership by the Executive Committee, if in its opinion, the member has acted contrary to the decisions or discipline of the Committee or his conduct is likely to embarrass the Association or cause conduct to its image. Such action of the Executive Committee requires 2/3 majority of the members present in the meeting.
- A member against whom action under the clause 7.4 is contemplated shall be given a fair opportunity to explain his position. He shall have the right to appeal to the General Body for redressal.
- All vacancies caused by resignation, transfer, disqualification, death or removal of a member of the Executive committee shall be filled up by the General Body through election.
- The business year of the Association shall be from the 1st April to 31st March of every year.
- The General Funds of the Association shall be rest in the S.B. account or Fixed Deposit in the name of the Association in any Nationalized Bank or Banks decided by the Executive Committee. Accounts may be operated jointly by the Treasurer and either President or Secretary.
- All money received in the name of the Association shall be deposited in the Bank. On no account shall money received be utilized directly for making payments. All expenditure shall be met by withdrawing funds from the Bank. The admission fee collected from members shall be placed in a fixed deposit or similar instruments in a Nationalized Bank or any other bank decided by executive committee; such deposits should have a minimum of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand). The interest accrued from such deposits may be used for general expenditures. Any expenditure exceeding Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) be either through cheque or online transfer only.
- The Secretary shall be competent to authorize any expenditure up to Rs. 10000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only).
- Any expenditure exceeding Rs. 10000/- (Rupees Ten thousand) shall require sanction of the Executive Committee.
- The President, Secretary and Treasurer are permitted to have a sum of not more than Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two thousand only) in cash, each for meeting petty expenses.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to sanction the following:
- Travelling allowances.
- The expenses for the administration of the Association.
- The expenses for bulletins, reports, periodicals and other materials published mainly for the purpose of discussing educational problems and questions affecting the profession of the members.
- Any other legitimate expense.
Annual Audit:
The account of the Association shall be audited annually by a competent Auditor appointed by the Executive Committee.
- In addition to the Auditor, the Executive Committee may appoint one of the members to scrutinize the accounts of the Association.
- The book of accounts of the Association shall be open for inspection by any member. A member wishing to inspect the book of accounts shall make an application in writing. The Secretary shall inform the member, the date and time when he / she can inspect the book.
- Members desiring to move a resolution or an amendment to by-laws or rules at the Annual General Body Meeting shall send copies of the same to the Secretary at least 7 days before the General Body Meeting.
- The by-laws of the Association shall be amended, altered, replaced, rescinded or added to at any time by a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting at a General Body Meeting.
The association shall not be dissolved except by a motion passed by a two-third majority of all members on rolls at a General Body Meeting of the Association, exclusively convened for the purpose. In the event of dissolution, the funds of the Association, after meeting all the liabilities, shall be disposed of in accordance with the decision of the dissolution meeting.
Cash Book:
Cash book showing daily receipt and expenditure, and the balance at the end of each day.
Receipt Book:
The Receipt of subscription and donation should have the name of the member, address, date and amount received. The receipt is to be signed by the Treasurer. The counter foils of the receipt are to be kept for audit purpose.
Voucher File:
The Association shall maintain a voucher file in which all vouchers for contingent and other expenses, incurred by the association numbered serially and filed chronologically.
Monthly income and Expenditure Registers:
Ledger showing consolidated and separate account of all times of receipts and expenditure member wise as well as item wise to be maintained.
Letters file:
The files should be maintained for all the letters sent by the Association and also letters received.
Minute Book:
The Association shall maintain a minutes book in which the minutes of all its General, Meetings and its committee meeting to be entered.
Members Register:
The Association shall maintain a register of its members including the name, address occupation and the date of enrolment filled in prescribed format.